Tuesday, October 18, 2016

Note on word count.

Note: I am far more interested in the quality of your work than the quantity. I won't be counting your words!

In all, the work expectation for the whole course, blogs and fanfic is approximately  4000 words, 2000 for the blogs and 2000 for the fanfic.The fanfic will include, as apart of that 2000 wd limit, no more than 500 words of introduction or commentary on your story.

see below for dates.


How and when to submit your work to Pop Genres 2016

a) Blogs. You may continue to catch up with your blogs until the end of week 13, Friday, October 28 no later than 4pm. Additions to blogs after 4pm can't considered. Leave your work on the blog. I will review all blogs as a part of your assessment.

b) Fanfic. The Fanfic is due at the end of week 14, Friday, November 4, 4 pm. You are to email your fanfic to me at m.johnson@xtra.co.nz. Work received after 4 pm can't be considered.

All the best, Mike.

Tuesday, October 11, 2016

Weeks 11 and 12: Reality TV

1)How have the documentary genres ‘Direct Cinema’ or ‘cinéma vérité influenced reality TV and the presentation of the ‘real’? Discuss in the context of a contemporary reality TV show.

2)How does Hill define reality TV? Describe his definitions in the context of a contemporary Reality TV show.

3)What has the early docudrama (e.g. Cathy Come Home) contributed to the development of Reality TV?  Discuss in the context of a contemporary reality TV show.